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Chakra Balancing

Chakra balancing is a form of energy work that focuses on rebalancing positive energy into the seven main chakras. If you are feeling an energy blockage or are 'slightly off', but can’t work out why, perhaps it’s your chakras that are out of balance. Book this treatment to give them a quick tune up.

30 minutes / $100

A quick tune up for in between Reiki sessions.


Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique, using the Usui traditional method. As well as healing, Reiki will reduce stress and promote deep relaxation. The therapist's hands will lightly touch or be placed slightly away from the body. Reiki energy works on the whole body; mentally, emotionally and physically, wherever the energy is needed, it will go.

60 minutes / $155
90 minutes / $195

Ki Massage Therapy

Ki ‘life energy’ blends energy medicine with a holistic massage, reducing tension and promoting balance, good health and relaxation. Ki energy enables the therapist to work at a deeper level than physical touch alone.

60 minutes / $160
90 minutes / $200

Ki Fusion

A combination of reiki with massage and/or reflexology to create a treatment specific to your individual needs. Bring balance to the mind, body and soul.

60 minutes / $160
90 minutes / $120
120 minutes / $255

Chat to our holistic therapist prior to treatment and she will create something magic, just for you.